I recently began writing an article about the bright side of the crazy, Covid days we are living in. While times are hard for so many, there are certainly positive effects as well. We have more time to spend with family and loved ones, either at home or by phone, more time for self-care, exercise and rest, more time to clean and get life in order, more time to contemplate what we want in life in general. Even better, the environment is loving our global shutdown! The reduction of pollution is so significant that amazing stories are emerging from around the world, like dolphins swimming in the cleaner Venice canals and the Himalayan Mountains becoming visible from a North India city over 100 miles away. Residents there said they hadn't seen the mountains in over 30 years!
That's really all I have to say about the bright side of Coronavirus, because there is most definitely a very dark, tragic side as well. One of the beauties of being human is that we can mentally and emotionally hold both realities within us. We can appreciate and feel joy for the positive aspects of a situation, while also feeling anxiety, sorrow and confusion about the negative aspects of it. We all have different ways of coping, and one of my ways is writing and rhyming. So my article about the bright side became a poem that morphed into a story. I will share it here below, and I hope you enjoy it! Stay healthy, safe and strong :)
In the age of Coronavirus 2020
It’s time to count blessings, and there are plenty.
Though sickness is spreading and numbers are growing,
Our fast-paced world is resting and slowing
So we can restore and focus on healing,
Let go of distractions and feel what we’re feeling.
It may not be pretty, but who cares? We’re at home!
Whether surrounded by family or completely alone,
Do what you must to find balance for you,
Like napping or dancing, to name just a few.
Offices closed and take out food only,
But staying at home can sometimes get lonely…
Or perhaps some alone time is just what you need
If you’ve got a full house and mouths to feed.
You secretly relish trips out to get food
While wearing a mask and trying not to be rude,
As you tell a stranger they’re standing too near,
“6 feet at least please” you say through your gear.
Making your way up and down each aisle,
Checking out each shopper’s quarantine style,
You smile at someone you may recognize,
Though they can’t see your mouth, they can tell from your eyes.
A nod to acknowledge the shared disbelief
That the meat section is already cleared out of beef.
Should you even bother to see if there’s TP today?
Thank goodness you recently got that bidet!
Happy you checked, you seize your ration of rolls,
And take a moment of gratitude for all the good souls
Who have kept these shelves stocked as well as they could,
Ensuring life’s calm in your neighborhood.
On your way home, you tune into the news,
But each station you turn to is singing the blues
Of hard times we’re in and struggles ahead,
So you switch to some uplifting music instead.
Choosing to see the bright side of this day
And for all those in darkness you silently pray
That light shines upon them with peace, strength and health,
And may all be provided for those without wealth.
Safe, back at home, you consider your luck,
Thankful to be there and not feeling stuck.
You embrace your family (after washing your hands)
And the feeling of gratitude slowly expands.