Your body is the most amazing thing you will ever own.
Here are the basics on how to keep it alive & thriving
The foundational life connection
It's a doorway to your physiology and the fastest way to change your state & tune into the present moment. By taking deeper, fuller breaths, we can override our stress physiology & live with more ease and comfort. Try to imagine filling your lungs as you would a pitcher of water, from the bottom to the top. With each inhale, feel your diaphragm move down fully into your abdomen. Then effortlessly let go with your exhale. Tune into this basic body function throughout the day to make sure you're fully oxygenating your body.
As long as you are living, your breath is there for you to experience.
The ideal healing time, unless you're in a bad position!
The world of sleep & dreams is a mysterious one.. yet certain aspects of sleep optimization are clear, such as environment, position, pillow, timing, etc.. When you lay down to sleep, ask yourself, "Would laying in this position for the next 8 hours be good or bad for my alignment?"
The solution to pollution is dilution!
We can't survive without it for more than 3 days.. . but how do we thrive with it?
According to the latest nutritional wisdom, one should consume 1/2 his/her body weight in ounces per day. Meaning, if you're 160 lbs, you should drink 80 oz. of water a day. That may seem like a lot, but wait! For every cup of caffeine you consume (coffee, soda, tea) you should add another 8 oz. of water. This may sound extreme, but like the earth, our bodies should be composed of about 75% water! We need water for so many vital body functions. It's been said that aging is a process of dehydration, so drink up!
Movement & Fitness
Movement is life and motion is like lotion!
Ever hear the phrase, "if you don't use it, you lose it"?
This rule can apply to many aspects of life, and in the body, if you don't move it, what do you lose? Strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, muscle mass & bone density, to name a few! How about the joints of the body? Just like a door hinge that is unopened for years, if our joints don't get all the movement they need, they will essentially rust! In the body, this is called Immobilization Degeneration. It happens in joints that lack the motion needed to nourish & strengthen the area. As chiropractors, we see this all the time in x-rays of the spine. The spine alone has 48 little hinge joints that need to line up perfectly for upright posture and movement. It is not yet common knowledge that one should get spinal check-ups throughout life to ensure proper alignment and motion. Often, people will wait for symptoms of pain before seeking body-care from a chiropractor or other manual therapist. Can you imagine if the first time you ever went to a dentist was because you had a toothache? Certainly a few cavities will be found, and a root canal may be in order! If you never brushed or flossed & it's really bad? Well you may have to get a whole new set of teeth! We are lucky that sometimes in life, things & parts can be replaced. However, when it comes to the spine, you only get one, so make sure yours is healthy!
Structure & Function
Law of Physiology: Structure = Function
In physiology, it is a basic law that structure = function. The main reason why chiropractors focus on spinal health is the spines direct relationship with the spinal cord and nervous system. Most people know how important the brain is and how it controls most of the body's functions. Yet they don't consider all the pathways the brain uses to communicate with every other system, organ & tissue. Each pathway (nerve) goes down through and out of the spinal column. Thus, chiropractors aim to align the joints of the spine to remove any interferences to optimal nervous system function. So while we are directly working with your musculoskeletal system, an adjustment will also affect every other body system.
Posture & Ergonomics
"If you keep making that face, it'll get stuck that way..."
Often it's not the big traumas that create chronic body issues, but the small dysfunctional habits we do daily. Desk job? Looking down at your phone frequently? Sitting cross legged or on your wallet? These are just a few of the many things that we can address to get to the bottom of your physical issues.
Eating & Digestion
Eat real food, more slowly
Those 2 simple things can solve many food &/or weight issues that people have. Yet we know that often there is a lot more to it. Check out: http://nourishedkitchen.com/8-easy-ways-support-digestion-naturally/ for some great points on optimal eating & digestion.
We generally recommend whole-food based, paleo-style eating practices, as well as the 80/20 rule... As long as you are eating "clean" and exercising 80% of the time, it is okay to let loose & get "dirty" 20% of the time.
To fill in the gaps
Ideally we should be able to get all the nourishment we need from food, however, due to modern farming practices, if you don't have access to abundant local, organic food, you may have to fill in the gaps in with whole-food supplements.
Just REMEMBER that not all supplements are created equal, so before you spend your money on the next "miracle cure," do your research on the best brands. We always recommend using "Whole-Food Based" products, rather than synthetically-based, since your body will be better able to digest & absorb the nutrients.